Eric Traut

Results 355 comments of Eric Traut

I'm guessing that you have updated your theme colors such that the squiggly lines are the same color as the background, so they're no longer visible. Could you review your...

Can you explain your use case in more detail? Why are you using non-standard file extensions? How are you able to import a file with a custom extension at runtime?...

This use case is pretty far outside the norm — definitely not a targeted use case that was considered when we were writing pyright (the type checker that underlies pylance)...

If the extension is written in another language, the import should resolve to a binary library file (e.g. a ".so" file on Mac or Linux or a ".pyd" file on...

Since this isn't a core type checking issue, I'm going to transfer it to the pylance-release project.

This will be included in the next release of pyright (1.1.267), which should be published in the next two days.

I'm not able to repro the problem as reported. Have you enabled type checking diagnostics (i.e. set "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode" to "basic") to see if there are any type-related errors reported?

The hover text should not depend on the `typeCheckingMode` setting, so if you're seeing different hover text before and after enabling type checking diagnostics, then there's a bug. Are there...

Out of curiosity, why are you trying to abstract the `typing` symbols? It's unlikely that they will ever go away. There's way too much Python code that uses them, and...

> Really? Yeah, "deprecated" in this context means that there is a new recommended approach that you can use for code that doesn't have backward compatibility requirements. It doesn't mean...