Eric Reis Figueiredo
Eric Reis Figueiredo
Is this feature already implemented? How can I rotate the hexagons correctly? I managed to rotate them, but the centers were off.
I personally think that we should have two more cases in the pagination: - First / Last page, as @kevinch mentioned - Jump 10 (or any other value) next pages...
I really think that this issue should be addressed ASAP! @klzns Do you have any idea of someone who could help us define our license model?
Yeah, I am using vim8: ``` VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Jul 26 2017 19:10:24) Included patches: 1-503, 505-642 Compiled by [email protected] Normal version without GUI....
No, i think the whole colorscheme isn't working properly, at least compared to the material theme on my vscode.
I didn't understand the part of uninstalling base16 stuff? Isn't this necessary for vim?
Tried adding the `set termguicolors` line, but nothing changed. I am still feeling it's kinda odd. Could you write this python example code and take a screenshot?
For the transparency I have added the line, and now the transparency works: ```vim let g:hybrid_transparent_background = 1 ``` I have removed the base16 and disabled transparency and it looks...
Version 2.8. Got it from NuGet.
Is it in NuGet? I only found 2.8