the reason you are not receiving notification in background or killed is because you are doing the pushNotification.configure after the AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName,()=>App) (ie in App.js). If you do it in index.js,...
do you do PushNotification.configure in App.js or index.js?
same problem for me
facing the same issue, I tried to exactly like Ben8823 "react-native-push-notification": "github:fcaldarelli/react-native-push-notification#c625b16e419631bc5c40d1df0919fb91162ac57", ./gradlew clean, verify dependencies to see if any other package would force a different version of firebase-messaging. But...
after deep investigation, I have no clue why updating firebase would solve the issue. I can only intuit may be the target version of android that was used to validate...
yes, and its equivalent in Android. Without actions, notifications are 5 years old, now all modern app using notification implement actions, and not having support for it in amplify makes...
the issue exist on both APNs and FCM and on in-app messaging (both react native and react). The credentials are OK and correct, as all other information provided in identifyUser...
note that for APN, I have not yet enabled APNs backend, but the identifyUser workflow is independent of the push notification service provider. Service provider is important to receive the...
update, actually, after more testing, it is more than I previously said. All the demographic values are wrong (not populated). I saw that looking at android push notification from both...
@Samaritan1011001 oops, my bad, I should be more careful following the docs. Sorry again, and thanks for catching my mistake. After correcting it everything works as expected.