Danielle Erickson
Danielle Erickson
cpu energy factors emissions factors
Have job separate from backend that will fetch and populate db cache decouples backend and cloud provider fetch
It would be helpful to have a column in the methodology keeping track of when coefficients have last been updated so that it is more clear when they need to...
- new calculations use most up to date emissions factors - consider way to not have this affect older data/calculations (use factor from the correct period of time) - Note...
Allow for tagging filtering on the UI. The backend work is complete, and the UI work remains to be done. Please reach out if interested, only light mock ups have...
### Discussed in https://github.com/cloud-carbon-footprint/cloud-carbon-footprint/discussions/1151 Originally posted by **mantewari** May 24, 2023 The total billing is not taking currency into consideration, by default it is showing everything as USD however if...
Related to #504 - This ticket will discover and add documentation on all the options for logging modes, which can improve experience of deployment
## Context #### Overview This task involves implementing the final design of the microsite based on the provided mockups. This includes incorporating the final color scheme, assets, fonts, pictures/logos, and...