Danielle Erickson
Danielle Erickson
- [ ] Look into other API's ^ could be contributor issue. We need to describe problem and a few ideas for ways to solve. can suggest contributor reaches out...
**Context:** With the addition of mongoDB, CCF now has the capacity to handle larger data sets, however, the frontend needs to adapt to handle this as well. In order to...
* note to user that this may change estimates (especially older ones, if methodology has been updated since) - advise user to save/export and store the data prior to force...
Currently we backfill missing dates but not amend dates to include eg a cloud provider that has been added since - recognize if discrepancy with data - need to define...
- [ ] Given I try to load CCF and the fetch from the cloud provider fails for one or more cloud providers, but there is cached data, I can...
Did y'all update (or do you plan to update) the HDD/SSD estimates based on extrapolating the estimates from the US Data Center report? It had estimates for up to 2020,...
Please see details in original bug ticket: https://github.com/cloud-carbon-footprint/ccf-backstage-plugin/issues/11#issue-1282033770 Remaining issue on https://github.com/cloud-carbon-footprint/ccf-backstage-plugin/issues/9 may also be resolved here.
Could have diff implementations - eg read from config to know if it should seed mongo rather than cache file
this implies only supporting mongo. Cache json deprecated will help solve performance issues with dashboard filtering those using local cache will have access to the filters but may run into...
"Within ICT, data centers consume around 1% of greenhouse gas emissions and global electricity usage." Consume GHG doesn't make sense. We will want to reword and maybe add in "emit"