Danielle Erickson
Danielle Erickson
Hi @pavanandhukuri! Yes, feel free. I will assign it to you and move to In Progress. As you create the banner, please defer to other examples in the codebase to...
@tkennes Since you've been working in this realm, would you be interested in confirming you experience the same as barryokane and updating the documentation appropriately?
Hi @bgauchon-reply We're guessing from this you are hoping to have support added for this? The changes for this would be to the packages/aws/src/lib/CostAndUsageTypes.ts file where we map usage types...
Hey @ntmggr! Thanks for bringing this up. At first glance it seems like this type of ability would require another auth mode. Is that something you would be open to...
Hi @trevorlinton! Thanks for the suggestion!! We will add to the backlog and do encourage anyone who is interested to try their hand at writing a PR. We will also...
Hi @nosiop! Great question! You could definitely do this by writing a script to parse the csv and feed it into the AWS package. If you go this route, we...