Chuu-Hsiang Hung

Results 14 issues of Chuu-Hsiang Hung

**Core functionality** - create charts of relative regression performance of alpha, beta and R-Squared estimates through time.

**Core functionality** - calculate and render performance charts by calling `Return.annualized`, `StdDev.annualized` and `SharpeRatio.annualized` functions.

**Core functionality** - plot multiple bar charts per panel by setting `perpanel`. - other features are the same with chart.BarVaR.

**Core functionality** - Create bar chart of the first xts series(if there are at least two columns). - Calculate VaR(Value at Risk) in different methods and add it to the...

**Core functionality** - Compare the relative performance of Ra with Rb. - Draw a baseline at 1 on y axis. - Add legend names of Ra.

**Core functionality** - plot bar charts in multiple panels using `multi.panel=TRUE` argument in plot.xts. - panels share the same range of y axis using `yaxis.same=TRUE` in plot.xts. - some arguments...

As all the time series charting functions in PerformanceAnalytics share with `chart.TimeSeries`, we should refactor it with `plot.xts` first and keep reviewing it to coordinate with other functions. Retain the...

Since S4 method and chartSeries.chob are deprecated, dropTA, listTA and get.chob functions are refactored to use panel functionality of xts::plot.xts and coordinate with the refactored chartSeries and add\* functions. The...


Since S4 method used by chartSeries is deprecated, xdata and xsubset should now be obtained from `.plotxtsEnv` environment. plot object needs to be returned by calling `return()` or being executed...


reChart function is the base function called by `zoomChart()` and `zooom()`. Since plot_object$subset didn't seem to work for plot.xts based object, special handling is provided to fix unequal length issue...
