Eric Fennis
Eric Fennis
I agree with @karsa-mistmere, the last one works well. @gurtt Can you post a 100% scale version?
Hmm, yess, we shouldn't have `next` as a dependency in `lucide-react`. We should move this to a separate package, and maybe the current dynamicImport file should be in there as...
Hmm, not sure about the center circle change. Maybe we should keep it as it is.
Hmm not sure if this is worth the change looking at how much code we add and what the difference is. The changes are hard to spot on 100% scale.
@karsa-mistmere True!
Hmm, I don't like it. It does not fit the style IMO
@jguddas The body is not one shape, which made it feel a bit too abstract.
Hmm, I think I prefer the minimal design approach, where we use these icons for more use-cases. One crown icon in the set would be great. Also the tower icon...
@karsa-mistmere You are right. The first row looks the best. But it would be nice if icons had multiple use cases. So not having two crown icons.
I don't see the barrel as well. Maybe something based on the database icon?