Eric Cook
Eric Cook
I'm still picking up rtk-query, so maybe I'm misunderstanding how it fits together - but I think a configuration like this is valid: ``` const injectedRtkApi = api.injectEndpoints({ endpoints: (build)...
I'm getting a TS error with that: ``` Argument of type '{ query: () => { url: string; }; refetchOnMountOrArgChange: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Omit...
+1 on the cudaminer API. I run a pool that uses a script to push data out of cgminer, had several people ask if we could build out support for...
Agreed. What Isaac and I have discussed is a separate library (currently calling it pysistor) to handle framework agnostic persistence. Persistence is actually extremely useful to a form library, notably...
I updated it. Ideally we'd want it setup to be able to specify specific JS validators and Server side validators to not necessarily run together. So for that we'll definitely...