Eric Driggs

Results 7 comments of Eric Driggs

No strong opinion. Calling features from within outlines seems a nice to have. I don't grok why setup is needed in background nor why singleton nature is required.

I agree that an api supporting json / xml would be helpful. If you're just trying to get cobertura data, you can go directly to cobertura for that info. For...

After looking through JSON specs, I agree that by default json array ordering is important and should be strict.

You read my mind! Was just about to open this issue. This would allow me to use a global coinfig to log scenario names before execution. Especially useful for when...

Thank you for directly addressing this risk. I look forward to the potential improvements in speed, performance, concurrency, flakiness, and reduced maintenance and reduced frequency of breaking js engine changes....

@krmahadevan Please post your changes. I could use this as well

@SebasAnasco1517 Workaround is setUseTrailingSlashMatch. I'm using it in several projects