Eric Citaire
Eric Citaire
- [X] docker-plugin version : **1.2.1** - [X] jenkins version : **2.249.2** - [X] docker engine version : **19.03.13** In [`com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerCloud` in `canAddProvisionedSlave()`](, an estimation of running template agents is...
The documentation shows a [sample policy]( to be able to create tags. The sample policy is missing the "ec2:DescribeTags" action permission, which is needed in order to use the "aws_resource_tag"...
After updating `ansible-modules-hashivault`, I struggled with a missing policy on an AppRole : ```yaml - hashivault_approle_role: name: foo-app policies: - foo-policy ``` After playing this, `foo-policy` is not assigned to...
Simplest way to reproduce : ```bash $ jsonnet -e "std.parseYaml('version: 1.2.3')" Something went wrong during jsonnet_evaluate_snippet, please report this: [json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 1, column 16: syntax error while...