
Results 5 issues of wangzq

What are the minimum dependencies I need to use gocv?In other words, what .so do I need?

![image]( when i access the webpage ![image](

when I use sendFrom function send btc to another address, bitwallet response error is "-32603: account 1 not found" and bitwallet log is "[WRN] RPCS: Websocket receive failed from client...

在2.3.3章中,我使用count示例去测试: 如下是我的代码: ```rust #![feature(macro_metavar_expr)] macro_rules! foo { ( $( $outer:ident ( $( $inner:ident ),* ) ; )* ) => { println!("count(outer, 0): $outer repeats {} times", ${count(outer)}); println!("count(inner, 0): The...

测试脚本: ```python from typing import List import json import time import os import sys cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) fastllm_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, "fastllm") sys.path.append(fastllm_dir) import pyfastllm glm2_model_path = os.path.join(fastllm_dir, "chatglm2-6b-fp16.flm") glm2_model =...