
Results 9 comments of eric-wang

the Completed and other lists(reminder, work items) shows in the left hand view, and items should in the right, when click on an item, show the detail in the right....

I test some applications(todoApp, test applications in dojox/app/tests) on iPhone(5.1) and itouch(5.0.1) and only todoApp has this problem.

set scrollable=false will not do scrollable, I test on dojox/app/tests/layoutApp, Chrome19, Win7. What's you test environment and steps? I can try it. ``` javascript ```

set scrollable="false" in details/EditTodoItem.html, patch css3/transition ``` javascript ``` The test result is: A. Samsung Galaxy S plus(i9001), Android2.3.6 detail view cannot scrollable (scrollable=false), "Back" button css style is good...

test on iPod touch, iOS5.0.1 detail view scrollable (scrollable=false), "Back" button on details view css style is good. But the "Back" button on other views (scrollable=true) css style is not...

current is a global controller to control views and models, so each controller instance has a reference to the application object. Maybe we can consider this in the next...

I don't call (init, beforeActive) as controller methods, they are view's lifecycle methods. Now controller know views, but view not know controllers because controller is global and controller all the...

The View.destroy() method is never called in framework, but this method should be called in application's code if a user dynamically create a view and destroy the view.