Eric Horodyski

Results 4 issues of Eric Horodyski

**Starter Type:** N/A **Starter Template:** N/A **Description:** Working with a customer, I need to scaffold an Ionic Framework v4 application to create a customized upgrade path. With only the `package.json`...


**Starter Type:** All **Starter Template:** All **Description:** It would be nice to have a Changelog published for the starters. If changes impact a previous development workflow (such as Angular changing...


**Description:** Establishing a multi-app project structure, such as for a monorepo, creates a root `capacitor.config.json` file in addition to `capacitor.config.json` files in each project's directory. However, only the `capacitor.config.json` file...


It would be beneficial to provide documentation around how developers can bundle third-party dependencies within their plugins, such as how to add Pods for iOS.