
Results 8 issues of Erhan

This little change adds support for the new gTLDs. An example for new gTLDs are _.online_ or _.store_. We expect an usage increase in the future.

Hey it would be nice to have android wear support as with other music applications where you can start/stop vol up etc.

Hello everyone, I want to connect my DJ controller or the dedicated soundswitch software ( to OLA to control my nanoleaf. The connection to nanoleaf works already. My current configuration:...


Dear clamav team, how about the idea making the configuration of clamd and clam possible via environment variables in the docker image? Thanks for your help.

This is just a short tutorial if Android does not use the VPN provided DNS: Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Private DNS and set to Off. Also:...

Hey everyone, I have the following problem at the moment which blocks me for scanning for vulnerabilities: ``` Executing: grype -o sarif --fail-on medium sbom:action-sandbox-sbom.spdx.json [0060] WARN unable to check...

Hello everyone, is it possible to set --scope all-layers optionally for this action? This would show the software of the base images as well if we want to do the...

Just a small hint: You can't use this in combination with downgrading the group and user. When you quit OpenVPN or disconnect the script gets run as nobody, who does...