having the same issue as described here. can't wait for the issue to be resolved and be able to use this cool package.
It's Posit Connect, but my organization has its own server -- if that makes sense. I use board_rsconnect() to connect. I thought of maybe disconnecting and reconnecting before saving the...
i stumbled on the cause of my problem. i had accidentally included the directory in the name of the pin ("username/table_name" instead of just "table_name"). i'm guessing the special character...
ah, the plot thickens! so the way that works for me is when i save using just the name of the table. `board_rsc %>% pin_write(table_to_save, "name_of_the_table")` when i save like...
Ah, sorry, I thought I had closed the loop on this, but I realize I hadn't. I got a new laptop for work, so I had to reinstall packages, including...
Hello: thanks for responding. I will try the new version as soon as I can. After comparing the results I get in R and those I see on reddit, I...