
Results 12 comments of Deepak

@Ruffio Hi, i changed it into tests because salt2 is generated from bindings.genSalt instead of bcrypt.genSlat. Also the test would fail without my changes too. I checked it's 2b there....

So the tests are failing in master too. because of binding.genSaltSync defaults to 'b' minor. A simple fix would be to pass the second parameter: 'a' as a minor....

Hi, I want to contribute. New to open source, Pretty good in js, How can I begin? @Pokute @GantMan

Hi, I want to contribute. New to open source, Pretty good in js, How can I begin? @GantMan

Yes git pro, react really good, been a js developer for 2 years now. Used the listed ones few. I've used reflux, it's not listed here. No, I never tried...

@GantMan Thank you. Yes, I have tried a react native basic app before. Thank you. I am familiar with state management too. Will follow your advice and get back you....

Hi, I want to contribute. New to open source, Pretty good in js, How can I begin? @GantMan

What's a good starting point for these error? I'd like to take one like * projectName.

@Berkmann18 @kentcdodds i am unable add PR for it. i have done two check list points. Can you please consider adding me as a user? Or a PR from fork...

Update: > Login not found when adding a contributor. > No login when adding a contributor. PR for these is submitted. Next I am doing : > Contribution type not...