Results 7 issues of Eric Bonnet

Add new executor to nextflow: Bridge (see issue #3094).

## New feature Hi nextflow community. I'd like to propose a new feature for nextflow: a new executor based on the "bridge" scheduler. Bridge is an abstraction layer to ease...

Hi Seurat devs, I'm trying to analyze CITE-seq (RNA+ADT) data on a rather large dataset, but I'm having a memory error message when trying to compute the WNN graph. here...


Hi everyone, I'm trying to use the hicPCA command but I get an error message: ``` $ hicPCA -m --outputFileName --format bigwig Traceback (most recent call...

Hi, I have an error message while trying to convert contacts pairs to cool format with the command ``` pore_c contacts export sample1.contacts cooler sample1 --fragment-table vd.fragment.parquet --chromsizes chrom_hg19.sizes ```...

Hi, I was wondering if the multi-way contacts derived from the alignment file are stored in a dedicated file and if yes which one ? The "alignments.parquet" file contains only...

Hi, I have an error while trying to run the hic pipeline on the test data with the conda environment. Looks like a python module is missing. Thanks for your...
