Erik Pragt
Erik Pragt
Hi @mpkorstanje , after upgrading Cucumber from 6.3.0 to 6.11.0, I'm facing the same issue. I'm on Mac, but our build machines are Windows machines, and both have the same...
Hi @ak-maker , could you please also send this PR to ? I'll accept it immediately.
@ak-maker Already merged! Thanks for your work!
Hi @Uncle-Road , this faker is already part of Datafaker:
Hi @Uncle-Road, my apologies, that 'he' you are referring to is probably me, and I ported this code to Datafaker. The code is attributed to you, and you are also...
@Uncle-Road oki, no worries, just want to make sure I don't step on anyone's toes. I love your contributions, and it's a shame javafaker is dead, but we're trying to...
@aurelien-reeves I don't think so, the 10 minute tutorial is still quite a bit out of date. I'm using it right now to setup a Kotlin/Gradle project, I'm happy to...
I'm still happy to update the documentation, both for Maven and for Gradle. I'll try to do it before the release of Cucumber 7.5.0.
@aalmiray Hey Andres, it's quite low on my list of priority. I'm happy if you want to help!
@panilya You can add any library to the `pom.xml` as long as it has a `test`, and yes, that seems like a good location (and we can always move it...