First off, thanks for dhcpcd, it works and feels just great. By accident I came across this: Add epair(4) to the ignored interface types list (#73) I would like to...
Re: #618 et al., here is a recipe that seems to work for me. HTH. _Config for HawkBit under SSL/TLS using private CA / sub CA HawkBit (HawkBit 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT) +...
Re: Gitter [July 16, 2018 4:14 PM](https://gitter.im/eclipse/hawkbit?at=5b4ca838582aaa630770ca38) Using a client such as swupdate, it is possible to report attributes: A = "foo" ; B = "bar" Using Hawkbit UI, the...
Original gitter thread [here](https://gitter.im/eclipse/hawkbit?at=5ba38586f4bd1056ac8e4458) A feature by which an HB server could request a device to upload data back to the server. The device could refuse or comply, downloading and...
Hi. Thanks for NBgallery, it looks great. However I have some onboarding difficulties. I followed instructions from this page: https://github.com/nbgallery/nbgallery/blob/main/docs/docker.md ONLY the mandatory instructions. Nothing optional. After that, `docker-compose -f...