Johanna Appel
Johanna Appel
I was confused by the fact that the current implementation of the `no-headers` timeline class required to explicitly identify the first and last timeline element by adding a `is-first` or...
I'm using `cast_attachments` similar to the example provided with the README. I've experienced that the files are uploaded even though the normal `cast` that ran before this failed. I'd expect...
Currently, the class parameter 'model_name' of the CohereEmbeddings class is not supported, but 'model' is. The class documentation is inconsistent with this, though, so I propose to either fix the...
Currently, the 'truncate' parameter of the cohere API is not supported. This means that by default, if trying to generate and embedding that is too big, the call will just...
As per the discussion in [discord](, this is a draft of a CSV parser that uses pandas for loading the CSV data. If this goes in the right direction, we...
Is there a chance we could get an ETS based result table instead of a map? And another thing... maybe a process pool to access it? My use case would...