Ezequiel Pássaro

Results 42 issues of Ezequiel Pássaro

I never experienced #204 until a recent openSUSE Tumbleweed update (like a month ago). Installed the latest version https://github.com/PixlOne/logiops/commit/6bb470000952405b6817032c43c7215f7d070428 and my `logid.service` looks ok: ``` ### Editing /etc/systemd/system/logid.service.d/override.conf ### Anything...

During the GitHub Actions Hackathon 2021 I found a way to cache a environment (not the downloaded packages) on the 3 operating systems. Is this worth adding to the documentation?...

### Proposed change Hi! Conda currently supports exporting environments via `conda list --explicit > spec-file.txt` and installing them by doing `conda create -n --file spec-file.txt`. This kind of installation bypass...


**Description** - Adds a `Dockerfile` with a fully functioning TARDIS. - Adds a workflow to build and push Docker images of TARDIS repo with the labels: `master` (latest changes, gets...


**Describe the bug** It's not possible to test the `tardis` package once installed by doing `pytest --pyargs tardis`. This happens because some `yml` have their paths hardcoded in the test...

priority - high :fire:
testing :vertical_traffic_light:
bug :lady_beetle:

I suggest implementing a button (or link) on the bottom of every TARDIS doc page to give feedback (open an issue pointing to the specific page with some pregenerated text)....


### :pencil: Description **Type:** :rocket: `feature` | :roller_coaster: `infrastructure` - Addresses issues of the `download_reference_data.sh` script: - Do not allow unbound variables (e.g. GITHUB_WORKSPACE) - Allow downloading different versions of...


Currently, TARDISis not PEP8 complaint. To check this, install `flake8` and run `flake8 tardis`. To achieve this we need to: - Configure Flake8 through configuration files. - Ensure that Flake8...


Look at: https://github.com/tardis-sn/tardis/settings The command `git-lfs ls-files` does not return anything, maybe there are old objects in the repo? Investigate.


Replace with appropriate `.loc` or `.iloc` method.

good first issue
bug :lady_beetle: