Uiseop Eom

Results 3 issues of Uiseop Eom

![Simulator Screen Recording - iPhone 12 Pro Max - 2021-10-10 at 21 25 18](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17143087/136725758-8db238cb-86da-401a-aea1-3fd590fc0b52.gif) ## 요약 NavigationController에 .pushViewController 함수로 VC를 추가할 때 왜 첫VC에는 background color가 default로 white이고 두번째 VC...


Hi I've been trying set up hotkeys for a simple template file like such: ```html ``` The template works as expected when I use the Templater plugin. However when I...

Thank you for the awesome and interesting research and project. I was wondering if anyone has encountered the following error when using multiple gpu. I have 4 Titan V gpus...