Mike Enriquez
Mike Enriquez
This should go away now if you update.
The result of a browser's built in secure random function is _mixed_ into `sjcl.random`. I don't think it replaces it. `sjcl.random` is just an instance of `sjcl.prng` with the paranoia...
@ghuser Is your script in strict mode? I was having the same issue, give #51 a try.
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind as one of the output formats when working on https://github.com/enriquez/uiauto/issues/2
@johandk89 I'm not familiar with Xunit. Can you point me to any resources on the specifications of the output?
I was able to get it to work by adding a -s option to specify a schema http://github.com/enriquez/taps/commit/bce82b575f6cac36dbd84bbdf0429542f73a9403
I wrote an Xcode plugin to fix this. https://github.com/enriquez/PeepOpen-Xcode-4-Plugin
This is thrown together and seems to work for our use https://github.com/enriquez/ruby-jose/tree/convert-to-asn1
@deepfryed can you recommend alternatives?