Enrique Piatti

Results 83 comments of Enrique Piatti

Do you mean typing Mage_Catalog_[CTRL+SPACE HERE] is not showing Mage_Catalog_Model_Product for example? and that Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::[CTRL+SPACE HERE] is not showing ENTITY, etc? Please try those examples, they are working fine to...

No, the problem must be related with some index, if it's working in another projects then it's not a conflict with Magicento (anyway if you are afraid of that you...

@wahler I think I will need more information to solve that: Is that happening with all your constants? (any class or just My_Module_Model_Something?) Is that happening only when you are...

Ctrl+N is the shortcut for navigating to any class by name (Ctrl+Shift+N is for files, you should be using this, really (y) http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/webhelp/navigating-to-class-file-or-symbol-by-name.html ). Could you put here the trace...

Hi @matei that's a weird error, it seems there is a conflict with Mako from Python, not sure why, are you working with that in your project too? anyway it...

yes sure, anyway in the last code (not released yet because adding the new PHP api is breaking some old features and I need to figure out how to maintain...

Hi @igor-svizev I cannot reproduce it, please could you test if it's really related with the DB toolwindow? are you sure the cursor is not there? what happens if you...

I can reproduce it now, thanks for the clarification! will be fixed on the next release, for now please don't use ALT+M inside an editor without a "physical" filepath

@Schrank have you detected when that error occurs? tip that nullpointer exception is thrown when Magicento cannot find the virtual file (a real file at really, with a real file...

Are you sure that's the reason? It should not be affected by that because Magicento is executing PHP code directly or doing an http request (depending your config) without sending...