Ennio Visconti

Results 71 comments of Ennio Visconti

@pi0 @danielroe guys, this is quite an important bug, it means that for the last month or so people are not able to run the development environment on Windows. It...

> This should be resolved in the [edge channel](https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/going-further/edge-channel/), or in the next release. > > If you're still experiencing it, please reply with a reproduction (as this error message...

It seems this is a general issue of several plugins, although I can tell that `nuxt-icon`, `@vueuse/nuxt` and `intlify/nuxt3` work fine. I'll link the related issue that I found from...

> @ennioVisco did you found a solution to your problem? I just removed the plugin :/

> Would you check whether the problem reproduces with the latest nuxt edge and nitropack edge? Unfortunately doesn't seem to work (same error) with `@nuxtjs/robots` with: ------------------------------ - Operating System:...

> I've got a PR on `@dargmuesli/nuxt-cookie-control` which might not fix the root cause, I'm unsure. Just mentioning it in case it helps: https://github.com/dargmuesli/nuxt-cookie-control/pull/22/files Amazing catch @dargmuesli! This clarifies that...

> With which plugin it works? I'm still backtracking the changes to nuxt kit and pathe in order to find the exact cause of the issue, but I cannot find...

> Would you guys please try `nuxt v3.2.3` (and `@dargmuesli/nuxt-cookie-module v5.0.1`) and report if fixes in those releases resolve this issue as well? It doesn't work with nuxtjs/robots (I cannot...

> https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-fkzpox?file=app.vue @Saul-Mirone the sandbox link that you provided is not working... Could you please update it? Please also update nuxt to rc9!

Refer to https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/issues/13277 for a solution of the issue (at least in the case of `aws-amplify`).