Ray R.
Ray R.
Is it possible to add a note about this to https://docs.tuist.io/guides/resources/#resourcesynthesizers? It's not clear that this is a limitation. I'm happy to PR that in if you like.
@fortmarek sorry, I didn't get pinged and just saw this in my Github notifications. I'll put a PR up in a couple days.
@fortmarek I've put up PR #4868 with the documentation update.
I'm having the same issue. ``` pnpm run strapi --version 4.24.1 node --version v20.12.2 ``` For anyone else that sees this, the [Slugify](https://github.com/strapi-community/strapi-plugin-slugify/) plugin works well. Note that when using...
> Ahhhhhh! I need to finish this 😱 OMG my bad. I'm on it! @joshdholtz apologies for the `@` but I wonder if you have a rough idea of when...
@badrinrs I'm not sure if you managed to figure this out but this error usually happens if you're trying to use an EG function before your `XCUIApplication` has actually finished...