Taras Batenkov

Results 23 comments of Taras Batenkov

Already tested it in the big project, works like a charm πŸš€ @lewebsimple Thank you!

I also have this issue, but when disable nitro - it works fine: ``` export default defineNuxtConfig({ ... bridge: { nitro: false, } }) ```

Can confirm: "vue-docgen-api": "4.75.1" - works fine "vue-docgen-api": "4.76.0" - import is broken Looks like a regression after https://github.com/vue-styleguidist/vue-styleguidist/pull/1646

@warflash It can be different depending on the platform, but I think it shouldn't be different between SSR and CSR on the same platform.

Hi @danielroe, tried what you suggest - run "Clean garbage" before each snapshot, but the same result:

Does Node.js manage memory the same way in default and "inspect" mode?

The only difference is .npmrc which is not present in the reproduction (updated the repro): ``` use-node-version=19.2.0 shamefully-hoist=true ``` But I specified that Node version in the"Environment" section.

@danielroe On Node `18.12.1` I have this result (no memory leak): On Node `18.13.0` and `19.2.0` - this result (memory leak): As I know in Node 19 `undici` was moved...

Looks like there is no memory on Node `19.6.0` (Nuxt `3.4.0`): But it is still there on Node `19.2.0`.

You are right, there is no memory leak in the latest 18.15.0 as well as 19.6.0+ πŸš€