Fausto Guerrero
Fausto Guerrero
I think it has to do with how the vdom renders the components. The listeners to the form are attached before the polyfill can attach them, because the custom elements...
I am going to fix it (I made an external solution)
The issue with the test are with the versions of the dependencies that are downloaded for testing. If the `@angular/common` dependency is specified to only match the other dev dependencies,...
stylePreview seems to not be working
Is anybody working on this or is this in active discussion? I would like to collaborate
The same has happen to me, specifically with the `{#if}` blocks that do not have `{:else}`.
I was reading the spec for [form associated elements](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#association-of-controls-and-forms) and it seems to not be that complicated. Basically, when [the from attribute changes](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#association-of-controls-and-forms:~:text=When%20a%20listed%20form%2Dassociated%20element%27s%20form%20attribute%20is%20set%2C%20changed%2C%20or%20removed%2C%20then%20the%20user%20agent%20must%20reset%20the%20form%20owner%20of%20that%20element.) or [the id of any element in...