Enjoys Math

Results 37 issues of Enjoys Math

This is an issue with the pictured hello world code (bottom left). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1606391/116775705-3f6dd900-aa19-11eb-9c55-4eefab28e2f4.png) Actually, here is the shortest MWE: ``` import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pybacktest import pandas...

Graph algorithms doesn't support this feature directly, but can it be constructed out of the primitives?

I couldn't dev on this laptop, what I did to fix it was fork this repo, change in `setup.py` the Shapely >=1.7.1 to >=1.8.1, which for some reason turns out...

Here's a video of what I'm doing: [Commutative Diagram app](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp1dGmL8qQk) I'm wondering though if there is any advantage to storing my CD as a graph (as in it's composed of...

[My blog](https://enjoysmath.blogspot.com/2022/01/in-topos-every-map-x-xrightarrowf-omega.html?m=1) Looks great, except that Quiver is advertised 3 times! I would like to keep the link but have the link be the diagram itself, so the user can...


I'm new to web dev here. Please give a brief sketch of how I can add this feature to Quiver or alternatively put this feature in my own app in...


The line in the instructions about loading initial data seems wrong because there is no fixtures/ directory within the project. I tried adding in "Python" / "C++" as Tags in...



According to this thread: [Computer Science SE thread](https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/669/are-turing-machines-more-powerful-than-pushdown-automata) two PDA's or also a 2-stack PDA are as powerful as a single Turing machine. So I was wondering, since you've got...

``` # configure and build the project cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make ``` Did that, and am getting: `$ cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMake Error: Could...