Anthony Yeh

Results 48 comments of Anthony Yeh

Perhaps as a workaround, vcluster could execute helm with its working dir set to a temp dir whose contents are known?

That's an interesting idea. So far the operator doesn't touch VSchema at all. Vitess fills in the empty VSchema upon creating any new keyspace. It would be feasible to have...

I'm not sure how most people manage the lifecycle of VSchema in the wild. I've been assuming people would do something similar to whatever they do for regular schema, and...

I'm not exactly sure what it would take to fix this, but I can elaborate on the problem. In our [VitessClusterStatus]( object, we have a field called `cells` that is...

I haven't been able to reproduce this. The storage request gets passed through correctly in my tests. From your CRD sample, it looks like you're setting the storage size on...

That makes sense, as long as the extra CRDs and RBAC are in optional extra files that aren't included in the main kustomize component. To continue supporting multi-region deployments, we'll...

There's now a Netlify site published at, but we still need to create intro content for it. We can start by polishing up the README into a getting started...

We haven't worked on this yet. Unfortunately I'm busy with other projects at the moment, but if anyone wants to take this on I can offer some pointers.

> However, IIUC it should be relatively easy to add a delete flag to the data returned by the controller which would be used for "clean up" purposes. That makes...

In short, no. I was the only maintainer at the time when I left Google at the end of March. I don't have access to merge anything on this repo...