Cheng Gong
Cheng Gong
Hi, we have added descriptions of the package in README and changed the name to start with uppercase. Please help us to merge the package. Thank you.
Thanks, Chris. I got an error: ``` ERROR: LoadError: Function to differentiate `MethodInstance for OptimizationEnzymeExt.firstapply(::typeof(DJUICE.costfunction), ::Vector{Float64}, ::DJUICE.FemModel, ::DJUICE.FemModel)` is guaranteed to return an error and doesn't make sense to autodiff....
Interesting. ```Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, DJUICE.costfunction, Duplicated(α, ∂J_∂α), Duplicated(femmodel,dfemmodel))``` works ```sol.cache.f.f(prob.u0, prob.p)``` also works for me. This error only occurs when I call ```sol.cache.f.grad(∂J_∂α, prob.u0, prob.p)``` And, the solution from optimization did not...
Hi @Vaibhavdixit02, I tested the newer version with the example in [DJUICE.jl/test/testoptimization.jl](, got an error as below. However, as you can see in this example, Enzyme `autodiff` works without an...