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A high performance general purpose code execution engine.

Results 108 piston issues
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I'm trying to override the timeout value of 3 seconds by setting the PISTON_RUN_TIMEOUT environment variable (on my system hosting Piston), as per `docs/configuration.md`. However, this appears to have no...

It treats the code as normal Javascript ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71725599/179070733-fabefc3f-dcc2-4498-9f39-765739fed8ff.png) Probably because the discord bot returns Standard Output instead of Compile Output (which is usual but it shouldn't be that way when...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40431124/177150078-86a224e8-9876-45fd-84c7-d651007c3348.png) Adding a 0 ms sleep here seems to fix it for some reason: ```js proc.on('exit', async (code, signal) => { await new Promise(resolve => set_timeout(resolve, 0)); this.exit_cleanup(); resolve({ stdout,...

## Changes - Update repo to Java from 15. - Update repo to Pascal 3.2.2 from 3.2.0 - Did not test on my local machine but I hope it...

https://fishshell.com/, https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell is the only interpreter I know of.


[pydantic](https://pypi.org/project/pydantic/) is overall a great library and I would love to see it in piston. Not sure if it was previously rejected or anything, so yea. Thanks for your time...

[Hy](https://docs.hylang.org/en/alpha/) is a lisp that runs on top of the Python environment (akin to how Clojure is a lisp that runs on the JVM and Common Lisp runs on bare-metal)....
