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A high performance general purpose code execution engine.

Results 108 piston issues
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Its a rewriting of `brainfuck` and is the language used by the librarian from Discoworld. Link to Interpreter. https://www.dcode.fr/ook-language


Currently README is the only documentation available regarding API endpoints, internals, configuration, and contribution. To solve this issue, we should create comprehensive documentation detailing the workings of the system to...

https://github.com/Mikescher/BefunCompile - s p e e d


I represent a university student organization that often leads study sessions for coursework related activities at SHSU. A language that is very heavily emphasized in that coursework is ADA. It...


HI, I am using piston for Python, Java and dotnet. I noticed that in piston v3 the dotnet runtime is much mush slower. for example running a simple Console.WriteLine takes...

Execution of arbitrary Java bytecode. Code examples: ``` ICONST_2 ICONST_2 IADD I2D DRETURN ``` Adds 2+2, casts to double, and returns. ``` GETSTATIC "java/lang/System" "out" "Ljava/io/PrintStream;" LDC "Hello, World!" INVOKEVIRTUAL...


Sagemath is a mathematics language built on top of python https://www.sagemath.org/


the documentation can be found here : https://docs.lucidarch.dev/concept/ (the catch : its old as f) pls add it it's geek enthusiasm. here's an example of hte code : ```lucid prime...
