
Results 10 comments of enerc

Passed with the above changes and golang 1.10, but I have to pass LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the libs: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./cnutil:./hashing build/bin/monero-stratum ..... Solo mining looks working, but still waiting AEON testnet at...

A couple of changes required to make it run with the just released rebased AEON with POW V7: - cn_slow_hash has now 6 parameters, instead of 4 (int variant, int...

Same here. I have a dataset bigger than 4GB, so I have to split it in multiple buffers. But I can't select the proper buffer and pass it to my...

Please turn on network debugging: "debug_network" : "true". The error reported by the pool should be displayed BTW, vulkan is not used on RPI (the GPU is far too slow)....

That's because the pool is sending results in a different format. For usual pools, they return: .... "result":{"id":"123456" ... where your pool returns: "result":{"jo ..... "OK","id":"123456... Either use an other...

Ha, just saw you try to mine monero ... This miner does not support the current monero algorithm (randomX). RandomX requires 4 Gb of RAM just for the dataset. There...

I'm using only one GPU per process. Even if one GPU is used in a process, only the first used one has local RAM - the second one allocates through...

The 3x speed increase I have is because I use Aquahash for hashing (https://github.com/jandrewrogers/AquaHash) and string_views instead of string (c++17). Using AES CPU instructions speed hashing a lot.

Could you try to configure TDR with the Nvidia tool http://developer.download.nvidia.com/NsightVisualStudio/2.2/Documentation/UserGuide/HTML/Content/Timeout_Detection_Recovery.htm ? You can also try to reduce "factor" as it will make kernel execution below 2 seconds and avoid...

I missed that point: "The socket() function on Windows returns INVALID_SOCKET (which is (SOCKET)(~0)) on error, while other platforms return (int)-1 instead." If you can compile, can you change code...