Vicki Pfau
Vicki Pfau
Please post the zip file generated by File > Report Bug
Yeah, your trackpad is showing up as a gamepad for some reason. This is probably either a bug in the synaptics driver or a bug in SDL, my best guess...
Can you see if this behaves any better on a recent development build? I changed how rewinding is handled to hopefully be more stable, but I've yet to verify whether...
According to your config file, the A key on the keyboard is mapped to the L button. If that doesn't work, it might be a problem with the ROM hack,...
I pushed a change that might have fixed this. Please test the latest build.
Can you upload the states as well? They should have .ss1, .ss2, etc filenames, where the number corresponds to the state number.
Hmm, that shouldn't happen unless something else changes the size of the file to 0 bytes in the interim. Are you using a cloud service to automatically sync the saves?
This is probably a binding mapping issue. This isn't a support forum, but just in case it's an actual bug please upload the zip generated by File > Report Zip....
Please attach the zip generated by File > Report Bug if you're on a computer. If you're on a homebrew port, please say so and which version you're running.
That's a very old computer you have there... Most of your config appears to be missing. Did you edit it down? Or did you delete your config before loading mGBA...