I would like to request that you revisit this project, in light of myself having won an award for an IPFS data hack, can you confer with @jenks-guo-filecoin. I built...
I will give you all my votes if you can help me train a model, like we had discussed earlier, that takes as input a tuple of vectors for semantic...
the requirements line in setup.py is malformed.
nickbostramfan is suspended, time to update github profile twitter link
1. find the raw corpus that you want to use 2. index the text corpus using K nearest neighbors 3. use prompt engineered chatGPT including retrieval.
I was working on trying to use orbitdb to shard and serve a K nearest neighbors search engine using orbitdb as the key:value store, with the math part being handled...
I am mentoring some college students with LAION, one of the students is working on embeddings for wikipedia, and its not yet ready to be pushed to OPEA yet, but...
### System Info ```shell Transformers fails with the following error, when trying to use AWQ with TGI / neural compression enginer, or optimum habana ValueError: AWQ is only available on...
### System Info ```shell The examples provided do not work correctly, I think there has been updates in the intel neural compressor toolkit, which is now 3.0. and the habana...
Kye Gomez @kyegomez is threatening to sue openAI unless he is paid $10 million dollars for the use of the word "swarm" despite lying about owning the trademark, which is...