
Results 132 comments of endolith

Found a reference that includes the abs(): https://www.google.com/books/edition/Signals_Instrumentation_Control_And_Mach/rFRqEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=root+mean+square+of+a+discrete+time+signal&pg=PA78&printsec=frontcover When it's not included, I think it's just from assuming real signals: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Signal_Processing_Methods_for_Music_Tran/AF30yR41GIAC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=root+mean+square+of+a+discrete+time+signal&pg=PA172&printsec=frontcover https://www.google.com/books/edition/Signal_Processing_Methods_for_Music_Tran/AF30yR41GIAC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22rms%20level%20of%20a%20discrete%22&pg=PA173&printsec=frontcover But is this a DSP-specific definition? In the...

> a quick example shows that np.var also uses the abs and corresponds to the definition for complex rv Ah, so does `np.std()`, which should be equal to RMS when...

@mdhaber Is there anything else I need to do? I don't think the test failures are related

This would be great. It's one of the few programs I need a Linux virtual machine for.

Can there be a style/option that ignores ranks and renders flowcharts like a more conventional graph diagram, minimizing length of edges? Like this editor that automatically arranges the nodes in...

@pdxvr > If we can't get it to slide due to some reason or other, just having the heatmap as a background layer would make a huge difference. You can:...

Is this possible in any way? Manually editing a file? Anything?

(And you should probably update the content, too, to clarify the difference between Truthcoin and Hivemind)

So the only way to categorize things is through keywords? :/

Verified that this is still a problem as of f582d9ca, and is from trying to remember `Assistant Reply … Result … Human Feedback` when it contains a really long response:...