Since `amazonka` and `amazonka-*` service bindings have all moved to using unprefixed records, `Generic` instances, and a strong recommendation to use one of `generic-lens`/`generic-optics`/`-XOverloadedRecordDot`, we should look at breaking the...
Splitting the generator front and backend would allow us (or other people!) to make amazonka-style SDKs for their own requests. Some examples: API Gateways with IAM Authentication, Amazon's own Selling...
While it's not technically necessary to implement the `AWSRequest` instance, all practical uses of any request type need these `Typeable` constraints, because `retryRequest` and `awaitRequest` run hooks. Should have minimal...
It could be neat to have a type family that maps things like `Amazonka.DynamoDB.GetItem` to `"dynamodb:GetItem" :: Symbol`. Might be a way to answer "which calls might this block of...
I wonder if we can break the direct dependency on `conduit`. `paginateEither` really only needs some kind of function to yield into. On the consumption side, we really just need...
In #862 the generator was changed to emit request/response fields in sorted order. We could switch the generator from `aeson` to [`waargonaut`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/waargonaut), which uses a JSON AST that tracks such...
Botocore says that it does (even on our old pin), but for some reason we generate a request which can only consume `HashedBody`.
``` gen/Amazonka/CodeGuruSecurity.hs:174:5: error: • The type constructor ‘Prelude.FilePath’ is not the parent of the data constructor ‘FilePath'’. Data constructors can only be exported with their parent type constructor. Parent: Amazonka.CodeGuruSecurity.Types.FilePath...
Error in $.metadata.signatureVersion: parsing Gen.Types.Service.Signature failed, expected one of the tags ["v2","v3","v3https","v4","s3","s3v4"], but found tag "bearer"
In `amazonka-emr-containers`, there is the following set of mutually-recursive shapes: * `Configuration` contains `ConfigurationList` and a `Sensitive` field. * `ConfigurationList` contains `Configuration` Under #862 , the map of shapes was...