I recently found myself looking at [`Data.Map.Misc.diffMap`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex-0.6.1/docs/Data-Map-Misc.html#v:diffMap) and wanting something similar for `IntMap`s. There is nothing in the implementation of `diffMap` that requires it work over `Map k v` only:...
On nixpkgs master (at least as of 395bcc0b27ce0d3c8a9af09737ba076a089a8dd6), I can't get reflex-0.6.1 to build using because it's indirectly depending on two different versions of haskell-src-exts ( https://pastebin.com/BnHagELV ). I am...
#86 was jumping the gun: https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2020-April/030357.html
Levels 05 and 07 mention monad transformers, but the exercises implement concrete custom monads.
Seems like target syntax may have changed?
There appears to be reflexive instances for AsSubtype and HasType, but not for AsType. Consider: ```haskell data SomethingError = OhNo deriving (Generic) doSomething :: (AsType SomethingError e, MonadError e m)...
New accounts are telling us what package they'd like to upload, which is good, but then they're emailing us cabal sdists, which is less good.
Add `System.IO.Resource.Linear.{openBinaryFile,hSeek,SeekMode(..),hTell}`. Haddocks are in anticipation of a near 0.2.1 release; happy to change/remove the `@since` annotations if they're likely to be wrong. Related: #424.