Petr Viktorin

Results 103 issues of Petr Viktorin

# Feature or enhancement ### Proposal: The `importlib.resources` functions `{open,read}_{text,binary}`, `path`, `is_resource` and `contents`, deprecated in 3.11 and removed in 3.13 alphas, are, anecdotally, missed by quite a few users....


For the argument name, I used *pathsegments* to match [pathlib docs](, rather than *descendants* used in [importlib_resources]( and the source. ---- 📚 Documentation preview 📚:

awaiting core review
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[``]( should mention that it can take multiple descendants. The versionchanged note should mention that some providers might still not support this. @jaraco, this was officially added in 3.11, right?...


The [status key]( for branches has lists of changes that can go in, and the lists look exclusive: > feature: > - new features, bugfixes, and security fixes are accepted....

needs: decision

iCal z už není veřejně dostupný. Události *PyWorking Sessions* a *PyData Prague* se tak na nezobrazují.

Python packages that aren't trivial to install make me sad :(

On both and, the GitHub icon at the bottom looks like it should be a link, but isn't.

type: task

The current C API is not compatible with per-interpreter GIL. For example, it contains global static types such as `PyList_Type`. We should definitely add functions to access these and deprecate...

status: backburner

The `_ast` module uses global state with heap types, so it is possible to do: ```python import _xxsubinterpreters import _ast _ast.Lambda.smuggled = 'any object' interp = _xxsubinterpreters.create() _xxsubinterpreters.run_string(interp, 'import _ast;...

bz2file's test suite [blocks the threading module]( to simulate systems where threads aren't available. Since Python 3.7, [Python no longer supports systems without threads](; the `threading` module is always available....