Enrique Blanco Carmona

Results 4 comments of Enrique Blanco Carmona

Hi @dbdimitrov @akiss-me, Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for linking to and checking out my package! I am currently working on implementing sankey plots and chord diagrams on **SCpubr**....

Hi @dbdimitrov and @akiss-me, I was able to work on my package and believe I arrived to a suitable [solution](https://enblacar.github.io/SCpubr-book/ligand-receptor-analysis.html#compute-chord-diagrams-of-the-interactions). In it, you can compute two kind of ChordDiagram plots:...

Hi @dbdimitrov, Thanks a lot for considering suggesting SCpubr! It is a real honor! I was indeed not happy about the missing non-significant interactions, so I was really happy to...

Hi, The `guide_axis_label_trans` hack worked wonders for me and fully synergises with the `axis.text.x.top` (and similar) theme elements! Is there a plan to integrate this into a ggplot2 official release?...