Thank you for the triage @alan-agius4 ! I could open a Pull Request, but I am not sure about the expected behavior and the implications on the rest of the...
@tinacious Thank you for your feedback! It definitely makes sense to support this, I'll carve out some time to work on this feature, I'll let you know whenever it is...
I understand better thanks! I've never tried myself `@@map` and `@map` attributes, thanks for the thorough explanation and it makes sense to support them as a configuration!
Ah thank you a lot @TAnas0 for the heads up! I'll update the readme accordingly!
@davej This is definitely something I had thought about! I really love the idea, I just didn't know if this could be valuable. Thank you a lot for bringing this...
@reitsma Thank you for considering using Morphism! I don't see any actual blocker for your use case ? If you're able to parse and revive the functions you might have...
@cjancsar This is awesome that you bring this on the table as I'm actually working on the `Validation` side of Morphism! This is only available on the `next` branch of...
Awesome! > Do the validators have the ability to change the data, or are they read-only, and only throw errors? Yes actually it does coerce the value to another format...
@cjancsar Yes of course, thank you for offering your help! I'll wrap my head around the integration with 3rd party libraries and prepare the ground for the work. I'll get...
Hello @gvsouza, thank you for sharing your experience with `Morphism` ! I would prefer using the second approach too. You can make it a bit less verbose using ES6 destructuring...