Emre Sevinç

Results 6 issues of Emre Sevinç

Add [s5cmd](https://github.com/peak/s5cmd) to the section that mentions Amazon S3 utilities, because it's in the same category and has speed advantage.


Add s5cmd to the section that mentions Amazon S3 utilities. Fixes #741.

Fix file name error caused by different RUN_ID. Fixes #37.

File name error in 07_05_musegan_analysis.ipynb, because RUN_ID is different from 07_04_musegan_train.ipynb: `Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'run/compose/0016_chorales/weights/weights-g.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such...

There's no legend to explain which color corresponds to what in [07_04_musegan_train.ipynb](https://github.com/davidADSP/GDL_code/blob/master/07_04_musegan_train.ipynb). The final figure plots how various components of losses change throughout epochs, but there's **no legend**, and therefore...

**Add the appropriate label(s) -->** Bug, Broken Link **Describe the bug** There's a broken link to the "scaling out section" in "Creating Hypertables" documentation. **Location** In the second TIP at...
