
Results 15 comments of emoyee

effect我打印出来过,值没有问题 全部逻辑代码: ``` changeStyle:function(e){ let _this = this; switch (e) { case '素描':_this.effect="art:incognito";break; case '复古':_this.effect="sepia";break; case '模糊':_this.effect="pixelate:10";break; case '卡通化':_this.effect="cartoonify";break; } var cloudinary=document.getElementById("imgPic"); console.log(_this.effect); console.log(cloudinary); _this.changePic(e); }, changePic(style){ let _this =...

根据下拉框选择不同的风格滤镜,图片会呈现不同的效果,但是effect渲染出来的url 上有点问题

![K0GP8HIP~PBD{K37ZP(13`3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100683441/171082346-a53dca84-fdee-4650-bfff-ecb61be13c01.png) It's still the same

Thanks for your reply.I need this effect to be variable,the effect value is changed, but not rendered. Test project I have released on https://github.com/emoyee/testImg.

Hi,@rikuoCloudinary.I tried this URL, but I also changed `el-select` to `select` in my project, and the rendered URL remains unchanged. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100683441/172106574-b2684ec7-e98e-43db-bc64-1010559d3d47.png) The code is exactly the same as that on...

``` Effect value: {{ effect }} 图片效果: 黑白 模糊 复古 export default { data() { return { public_id: "", effect: "", }; }, methods: { upload: function (e) { var...

After this effect is assigned a value, the value will not change. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100683441/172277971-3f8a69fd-63c0-496c-ac92-b71c9f8010fe.png) This effect should become `art:quartz`, but nothing has changed.

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100683441/172348727-685d6932-4e40-46eb-9b7a-2960efff748d.png) Still like this. ``` changeStyle: function (event) { this.effect = event.target.value; var cloudinary = document.getElementById("imgPic"); console.log("this.effect", this.effect); console.log("cloud", cloudinary); // this.effect = "art:quartz"; // Statically setting the value //...

How can I change it? This needs an initial value, otherwise there will be errors.

If so, the `` will not change and will always render the default value. ``` ```