Emil Georgiev

Results 7 comments of Emil Georgiev

I'm developing shopping cart. We have 20 products with 20 buy now buttons. Every button have data-productId and when click the button iziModal dialog is opened. I want to pass...

I have the same issue. The problem is with applications with modules. ServiceProvider.php in getModule($moudleName) doesn't return path parameter. I don't know why and Is it supposed to return it....

@mattames - How did you added the "Remaining time" attribute. In my case it's disabled "This entity is unavailable."

You can use: `func checkCameraPermission() { if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized { //already authorized print("already authorized") } else { AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video, completionHandler: { (granted: Bool) in if granted { //access...

@panagulis72 - Try to call androidLaunchEventLocalizationHandler() after overrideLocale().

Please view the documentation for Vue. Add Vue.filter("L", localize); in app.js "some_common_key": { "subkey": "Word %s" }

@csimpi Thank you. I'm using macOS but I will downgrade the jdk version and will try again.