Sorry, hope these are true bugs and I'm not spamming you with errors here... While running this model following the CurrentModels saved file: {"model_number": 68, "model_name": "LastValueNaive", "model_param_dict": {}, "model_transform_dict":...
This model template, grabbed from current model when the script hangs, is UnivariateMotif: {"model_number": 0, "model_name": "UnivariateMotif", "model_param_dict": {"window": 10, "point_method": "weighted_mean", "distance_metric": "sqeuclidean", "k": 5, "max_windows": 10000}, "model_transform_dict": {"fillna":...
Upgraded to 0.6.3 today and also updated all dependencies. Using AutoTS 0.6.3 model.fit() runs fine like it did before on the same data set. Average memory usage is less than...
While training GluonTS model less than 10% of the CPU resources (16 cores in my test case) are used, while other models use 70%+ of the available CPU resources. Memory...
Hi Colin, Since the update to AutoTS 0.6.12 I'm getting this error while forecasting on existing models that were working fine before: ``` /lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/lib/function_base.py:2853: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide...