Emmet A. O'Brien
Emmet A. O'Brien
still under review
still under review
Not confirmed defunct yet.
Additional clarification, because on rereading I realise I did not explicitly specify this. `archivedVersions` should contains two fields: `archivedVersions->count`, which starts at 1 for the first version, and is incremented...
Edit: for consistency with general practice, the field name should be `downloadOptions` rather than `download_options`.
Thinking about this, it seems to me that the default display of buttons should match with the most restrictive option we provide, which in this case is "Offsite only", so...
A first test entry for `downloadOptions` has been set up to allow interface development to begin: https://github.com/CONP-PCNO/conp-dataset/pull/888.
Proposed refinements of the categorisation laid out by @GHPBZ above, based on recent meeting: "Direct download" and "datalad download" categories are exactly the same right now, so can be treated...
Note from this morning's CONP dev meeting; a case has arisen which our current setup does not well handle, which is that of connecting to an offsite dataset with no...
still under review.