
Results 6 comments of Emin

I implemented this future in a rush so probably it needs some improvements. Here `patch-package` patch. Feedbacks are appreciated. `react-native-image-viewing+0.2.1.patch` ``` diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-image-viewing/dist/ImageViewing.d.ts b/node_modules/react-native-image-viewing/dist/ImageViewing.d.ts index b279504..51b386c 100644 --- a/node_modules/react-native-image-viewing/dist/ImageViewing.d.ts...

> Hello @nandorojo > Are you sure `react-native-camera-roll-picker` is causing this issue? > > Please see [this](https://github.com/jaredpalmer/formik/issues/772#issuecomment-406080224) thread for a possible solution? This issue is caused by the line below....

Based on previous comments the prioritization (partly) determined by a thumbs-up for the issue, although this has been the most requested feature for a long time, there is not even...

I am getting the same bug with newer react-native version. **Dependency versions** React Native version: 0.70.5 React version: 18.1.0 React Native Fast Image version: 8.6.3