I have one conversation with the subject "SMS with [my own name]" that contains all RCS text messages I've sent or received with anyone and also all MMS messages that...
@maweki I went ahead and tested this and didn't see any initial problems. However, this is only applicable for events that fall on the date of daylight savings, right? So...
I would also love to know the units on horizontal accuracy. I have to assume they're in meters. Basically if the accuracy number is 30 and the unit is meters,...
The location is in epoch time, which is seconds since January 1st, 1970. You can convert using [this tool](https://www.epochconverter.com).
I'm using Raspbian version 11. The `uname -a` command tells me my kernel version is 6.1.19+.
Python 3.9.2 Edit: my pip3 version is pip 20.3.4
Hey Rob! Appreciate you looking into this, any updates? I cobbled together a very poor replacement in the meantime, but I can't wait to use VSMP!